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Gets Repetitive : /

The tune grabbed me right from the beginning. I really like the chord progression, and I thought the synth playing it was really cool sounding.

However, from then on it just seemed to repeat. I thought that it was going to be the background melody, since it was so loud and full in both ears, but no other melodies came in. It really could have used a bass and a countermelody or melody to go with it.

Good intro, but it gets boring afterwards.

Dj-Rippa responds:

Thank you for the review...
good information given :D


So, do you play the piano or another instrument?

You're a good composer. What kind of music theory have you taken?

This works perfectly for the theme you chose. I'm not really a morning person, but it does remind me of beginning old school games like Link to the Past and Pokemon (blue version :P) where you wake up and everything is happy.

Nice work, check out my stuff! :D

BlazingDragon responds:

My main instrument is the piano, but I'm not a classical pianist by any means. I just improvise and play be ear mainly, though I can read music to some degree. I don't take lessons currently, but certainly know my way around the keyboard. :P Aside from that, I am a first year french-horn player, just acquired a trombone to learn, and I am very involved in choir. (I LOVE to sing!) I've got a little bit of experience with percussion, but I mostly focus on piano and voice.

As for music theory, I haven't taken any formal courses. I've done a whole lot of reading, though, and have gone through books in my free time. (The Complete Idiot's Guide to Music Theory for example :P) My dad is a skilled musician and has taught me some theory over the last few years. That aside, I'll be taking AP Music Theory when school starts in the fall (I'll be a HS sophomore).

Anyway, thanks you for the review! I love Link to the Past, and the series has really inspired me musically. I'm glad you enjoyed this song. Also, I'll make sure to check out your music. :D


Needs w

I thought that many of the sounds in this were too raw. There didn't seem to be much balancing, and none of the instruments fit well. You had a choir, breakbeat drums, an acidy bass, and some strange synth for the melody.

However, the song has potential. The tune was kind of catchy. The main synth reminds me a bit of Megaman X.

Also, it loops well, but if you don't listen to it as a loop, the song ends a little abruptly.

Check out my stuff.

sonicxtreme responds:

thanks...ill pop up laterz peace

Great to sit back to

I don't have many ambient tracks, specifically because they get tiring when you listen to them after a while. However, this song is different. Even if all the same notes were playing for a while, there was always something subtle, but still noticeable going on in the background.

The song was nice to listen to, and pleasing to the ear. Balancing was done exceptionally well, and all the channels fit well together. Great work on this!

The ending sounded great, even though all it was was fade out. It just sounded right for the song, when it doesn't sound right for so many others.

Definitely going into my music library, great job!!

Reasoner responds:

Wow thanks for the in depth critique and review. I did try my hardest to make all the different sounds and textures mix well together so that you could pick them out of the mix if you wanted to. Glad it was pleasing to your ears.

Love the intro, and agree with you.

I've tried tackling sytrus before, and there's just too much there I don't understand. It's a very complicated synthesizer, and I don't understand much of anything in it, except for the very basics like attack time, release time, etc.

Since I can't do much with Sytrus, I usually am forced to use the presets, with many effects to get the sound I want, and use smaller synthesizers like 3xOSC.

Anyway, I love the intro of the song. It really sounds great. I'm not as much of a fan of the tune during the slow parts. Not that it's bad, just not my taste.

You did an excellent job with the fade ins and fade outs, putting the volume of the right instruments at just the right amount, making it sound very polished. The drums were also excellent during these times.

I don't know why, but the song seemed much shorter than it was. It was over really quick, and you could have added more. But other than that, I loved the song. 5/5, 9/10, and a download. ;)

Keep making music!

Mrmilkcarton responds:

I suppose it felt short because each part was split up around equal length. Since the sound changed each time it made the song seem short even though its around 2min long.

The reason I didn't add more is I didn't want it to be overly repetitive and the 2Min mark seemed sufficient.

I will certainly keep making music. Thanks for the lengthy review.

GREAT bass!

I wasn't a fan of the tune, but the bass of this made it sooo much better. You also did some excellent lead ins with the percussion, which brought the score up a lot higher.

itsameyayo responds:

Whoa, didn't think the percussion was that amazing, but I guess it did have some nice flair to it. Thanks! The bass definitely kicks it up a notch :P


Great use of the guitars

I give props to anyone who can use the slayer guitar that well.

I hated using it until I started hearing people use them well in songs on NG. I'm still trying to figure out how to use them well, lol.

ShadowMan-Kage responds:

Well, everyone has their own taste of what they think their guitar wants to sound like....So the settings are mostly trial and error...most of the settings you might want to test with are the Low, Mid, and High settings...But like i said...everyone has their own taste...If you have any more questions, PM me....Ive been using FL studio for about 2-3 years now, I don't know everything but I'm learning every time i make a new song....Thanks for your review and vote Darthfett!


Sounds good, but too mellow.

It has a kind of upbeat, cheery feeling. I like some of the effects, but I feel that your song could use many more dynamics, including a stronger bass, building drums (not background).

Mellowing out the song has a nice effect, but it seems to take away from the climaxes of the song, and probably should be used sparingly, not throughout an entire song.

However, your song does sound good, I personally like the mellow beat (a bit repetitive), as well as the choppy (in a good way) intro. Good job. :D

Nightwasp responds:

Thanks for the constructive critism. Will take this into account on my next piece!


Has a lot of traditional Christmas spirit

I thought it was a very nice mix of all of these songs. They didn't seem to be much of a remix, but more a nice sounding arrangement.

The 8-bit sounds were an interesting idea, but it needed more riffs like at 2:22 and 2:30. They stick to the theme, and yet give it a cool sound. :)

I've made a new song recently if you want to hear it. :D

itsameyayo responds:

I checked your song, nice :)

-Yeah, I was going for the 8-bit arrangement. I did everyone of those songs by ear, and then I made the chords using the 4-part harmony rules I've learned in music theory class, they're pretty helpful, but I know I've got lots to learn yet!

-Coolio, thanks for the review!


Reminds me...

Sounds like a remix of some of the end music from Kingdom Hearts I. Great work. :)

Laikros responds:

Hmm...maybe I should do some more KH music!

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Age 35, Male

Petco Assoc PartTime

Arizona State University


Joined on 9/24/06

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